Being a business traveler, having a credit card isn't a luxury, it's a necessity. The key is finding the best credit card that will give you the biggest benefits. Since there are a wide variety of different credit cards to choose from, here's a look at your options in getting a credit card for business traveling.
The first question that you'll need to ask yourself is what kind of traveling do you do? Do you fly or drive? There are cards that cater to each one and provide all types of rewards such as free gas, car rentals, airline miles, hotel stays, and many other features.
Best Credit Cards For Drivers
You can find all types of credit card offers for drivers that give you some great benefits. They will give you cash back on gas purchases, or give you points that you can redeem on gas, maintenance or vehicle repairs.
There are even credit cards available that you can save up the points to use later on discounts for a new car. The key with these cards is to be sure there is no pre-set limit on the number of points or amount of cash-back you can collect over a period of time.
Airline rewards cards are very popular and offer a great number of options. One of the first options you have is to either select credit card from a bank. Keep in mind that an airline specific card may offer better rewards, but you'll only be able to use it for that particular airline.
These cards will all allow you to accumulate points to redeem later for free airfare, and some even have cruises available to use. Again, the key with these credit cards is to make sure your points are not limited during the year, and that they carry over from year to year.
You'll also need to search various card offers to find the ones offering the most points with the best terms.
Speaking of terms, this is an important aspect since all cards are different. Keep your eyes on fees and APR's. Do they offer no cost balance transfers? What will the interest rate be after the introductory period?
Always read the fine print and understand the terms and conditions before applying for any credit card. By taking your time and doing a little background checking, you'll find the perfect credit card for your business travel needs.
Source: Associated Content
Read more on Credit and Debit Cards
Friday, October 12, 2007
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