Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Taking Pictures on Your Walt Disney World Trip

Photos are a huge part of the Disney World vacation. Take a look at a family vacation photo album from a Disney trip. Chances are you will see photos of the following:

  • The whole family in front of Cinderella's Castle at the MagicKingdom
  • The kids smiling next to Mickey Mouse, Goofy, a princess, etc.
  • Parade floats
  • Fireworks
  • The park icons: Epcot's Spaceship Earth (the "big golf ball"), Animal Kingdom's Tree of Life, Magic Kingdom's Castle, Hollywood Studio's Sorcerer's Hat
The photos generally do tell a story. They say "we had a great time!" or "Susie was scared meeting Chip and Dale!" or "isn't the castle beautiful at night?". And they are a snapshot in time, showing you a happy family enjoying each other. But what about what's missing? Remember the huge thunderstorm that cropped up on the lazy afternoon back in the room? Or when Billy threw a temper tantrum because you wouldn't buy him another ice cream? Or that little hidden place where you found the world's best cappuccinos? Looking at a photo album from a vacation will trigger your memories. But taking advantage of limitless digital photos to snap memories of the little things will fill in the story for you and bring your vacation back to life, every time you look.

When putting together your packing list for a Walt Disney World vacation, a camera is a must have. Pick out the best digital camera you can afford, with the features you know you can and will use. And then get used to carrying it at all times.

Start with photos in the airport or car as you leave. Snap pictures of the road signs that document your journey. Catch a photo of the back of your child's head looking at the airplane window to watch the world become smaller as the plane takes off. Get photos of the tired faces turning to excitement when you arrive. Take photos of your rental car or the Magical Express bus that takes you to your resort. All of these pictures will bring your journey back into clear focus and remind you of the details you may have forgotten.

When you arrive at your hotel, snap some photos of the clean room before it transforms into vacation chaos (but be sure to get some photos of the chaos too!). Taking posed photos of the kids in the lobby is great, but don't forget to snap a picture of your tired darlings as they collapse on the bed at the end of a long trip. And then keep that camera handy throughout your vacation.

What are some memory inspiring photos? Take pictures of the snacks and meals you eat. When you stop at one of the many gift shops, take a few photos of the walls of merchandise as your family browses. Snap a few candid pictures of your children meeting the characters, not just the posed and smiling photos with everyone facing the camera. If you see anyone in your family holding hands, sneak behind them to take a shot. It is a priceless moment in time that you will treasure for years.

If Junior is having a bad day and begins to show signs of a temper tantrum, don't panic. Bring out your camera and ask him to pose. "Oh, let me get this shot! We'll call it 'Andy has a temper tantrum at the Magic Kingdom'. Can you scowl like that again for me? That's great!" My husband and I have some priceless photos of our son in this mood. And the grumpy mood always transforms when we flip the camera around and show him his face. It's hard to keep frowning when your parents are being silly about your grouchy expression.

Snap random shots of everywhere you go. Interesting architecture? Take a photo. Your children drenched from a fountain? Snap it! First pin trade? A trip down a water slide? A great cast member who made your family's day? Get the shot.

And then when you're home and you pull up your photos you will suddenly find your memories go a little more like this: "Remember how we were having that great chocolate mousse in France at Epcot and then that thunderstorm came out of nowhere?" "There's where we bought that stuffed Chip and Dale that Susie took everywhere!" "That was the best steak I have ever had!" "Remember how cold it was on the airplane?"

Random shots of memories will bring you back to your trip for a mini vacation any time you need one. So definitely take those shots of the castle and the parades. And don't forget the fireworks. But open your mind and get your camera finger ready to catch all those "little things" too.

Read also
Save Money on Disneyland Souvenirs
Visiting Disneyland on a Budget
Planning to Visit Walt Disney World
Deciding Whether or Not to Visit Walt Disney World
Tips: How to Shorten Wait Times at Walt Disney World

By Jennifer Maxwell

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